You can enable e-mail forwarding if you do not want to run your own mail server but still want to receive e-mail for your Internet name (domain name). For example, the feature sends all mail for <anyuser>  or <anyuser> to an e-mail address that you specify. The e-mail address could be your e-mail address at your ISP, hotmail account, etc.


To set up e-mail forwarding

  1. Right-mouse click on the PlanetDNS Client icon in the system tray and select Properties...


  2. Click on the E-Mail tab.

    NOTE: If you do not see the E-Mail tab, it means that the software is running in Novice mode. To see the E-Mail tab, you must set the software to Expert mode. For details, click here.


  3. Select the Forward all mail to e-mail address: option and enter the e-mail address you want all the mail to be forwarded to in the field provided.

  4. Press the Apply button to update and save the changes.