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Friday July 26, 2024
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Fax or Mail Orders

To Order by Fax or Postal Mail
Please select one of the following order forms and print it and fax or mail it in with your payment. We accept International and Postal Money Orders, Checks (in US funds and drawn on a US Bank), VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express

US and International Orders
  • US and International Order Form (PDF) ~23K
  • US and International Order Form (Word 97) ~53K
  • US and International Order Form (HTML) ~9.6K

  • Canadian Orders
  • Canadian Order Form (PDF) ~23K
  • Canadian Order Form (Word 97) ~53K
  • Canadian Order Form (HTML) ~9.6K

  • To obtain your Authorization Code
    Double-click the PlanetDNS icon in the system tray (where the time of day is displayed) and select the Account tab.

    The authorization code is only necessary when ordering the PlanetDNS Client or any of our Plus Edition line of products. If you currently do not have the PlanetDNS software installed, download and try it first to ensure that it meets your needs. You will receive a fully functioning version that you can evaluate free of charge for 30-days.

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