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PlanetRemote Plus FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
Controlling your computer remotely

How can I control my computer using PlanetRemote Viewer?

PlanetRemote Viewer is a small application, which can be used instead of a web browser to connect and control your PlanetRemote-enabled computer remotely.
  1. Download PlanetRemote viewer application from our website at

  2. Save it to your desktop.

  3. Start PlanetRemote Viewer by double-clicking on the icon on your desktop.

  4. Press the Connect button.

  5. In the Station field, enter the computer name, hostname or IP address of the PlanetRemote-enabled computer you want to control. If you have PlanetDNS Client installed (included in PlanetRemote Plus Edition), the Internet name can be entered.
See Controlling your computer using PlanetRemote Viewer for more details.

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