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PlanetRemote Plus FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I upgrade from version 1.15/1.16 to 2.0 of PlanetRemote

1. Purchase Upgrade
Purchase the upgrade from our website by clicking here. After purchase, you will receive a license key that will need to be entered in the software.

2. Uninstall Previous version or Run Upgrade Registry Fix
You may un-install the previous version of PlanetRemote via the Add/Remove Programs found in the Windows control panel before installing the new version. However, this will cause all previous settings to be lost. To prevent this, you may download our small upgrade registry fix to your desktop by clicking here. Double-click on the file to run the registry update.

3. Download and Install PlanetRemote Plus 2.0
Download and install the PlanetRemote Plus Edition from our website by clicking here.

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